Support Team @ Kingston
In 2021, Kingston Primary School created a dynamic Student Services Team to support the mental and social wellbeing of our student community. The purpose of the team is to provide support and counselling for students requiring it at any time during the year. Teachers can identify students that may need support from a member of the team and speak with parents to gain permission for these services to be offered. The referrals are triaged through the SAER (Students at Education Risk) Deputy Principal, Emma Eckersley and the referrals are then assigned to either the School Psychologist (Alicia Golik), Social Worker (Courtney Dornan) or to one of our two Student Support Officers (Kelvin Poole and Kate Black) or our AIEO Kristy Carriage. Due to the high demand for these services, there may be the need to have a waitlist, and the waitlist frequently monitored to ensure the students who need the assistance most, are obtaining it.
We have started a Breakfast Club on Wednesday mornings to ensure our students have full stomachs to set them up for success in the classroom. We have been able to organise this through donations from community members, as well as Foodbank.
Kingston's excellence and commitment to our student and staff wellbeing has been recognised by being awarded by the Western Australian Primary Principals Association - Leadership in Wellbeing, Culture and Community. We are also finalists in the Western Australian Education Awards for 'Excellence in Wellbeing and Learning', and the Western Austalian Mental Health Awards.